IQA2024 National Conference wrap up

Image: Prime Creative Media

Around 635 delegates gathered at the Adelaide Convention Centre on October 15 to 17 to attend the 2024 IQA National Conference.

The theme of this year’s event was Innovate and Create, which was designed to integrate the significant learnings the extractive and associated industries can take from new or improved concepts that help improve sustainability.

Day one of the event started with a site tour to one of the oldest quarries in Adelaide, the Boral Stoneyfell Quarry.

Stoneyfell was first regulated in 1837 and has been a cornerstone in providing building materials for the city of Adelaide, its roads, and railways over 180 years.

The tour provided delegates a firsthand look at the quarry’s operations, live demonstrations, and a visit to the viewing area with picturesque views of Adelaide.

Stoneyfell was first regulated in 1837. Image: Prime Creative Media

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Tom Koutsantonis, South Australian minister for energy and mining, addressed the delegates and offered a strategic industry outlook.

Industry leaders also took to the stage, highlighting innovation and collaboration over two days of discussions.

There was also plenty of opportunities for networking, including the Hitachi Welcome Reception, Komatsu Conference Dinner, Caterpillar Gala Dinner, along with several lunches and morning teas.

The Hitachi Welcome Reception was a great chance to network. Image: Prime Creative Media

Exhibitors at the conference has also brought their best to the show floor, highlighting their latest equipment and machinery.

Around 60 students also attended the event, listening to presentations from the IQA Young Member Network and exploring the conference floor. They were able to get up close and personal with some of the machines, and even got to try out a safety simulator.

James Rowe, the conference chair, said the feedback from delegates and exhibitors was fantastic.

“We’re up 15 per cent on delegate numbers, and exhibitor numbers are also up,” he told Quarry. “We’ve had really good representation from most states in Australia, and we’ve had some good representation from overseas as well.”

“Hopefully, we can continue to build on this. We’ve got a big focus on bringing our younger people into the industry, and I’d love to see more on that front.”

The post IQA2024 National Conference wrap up appeared first on Quarry.